Microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang
Microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang

  1. Microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang Patch#
  2. Microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang professional#

Microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang Patch#

The Width and length of the patch is 49.4mm and 41.4mm respectively. The rectangular patch antenna is made onto Taconic TLY-5 dielectric substrate which has dielectric constant of 2.2 and height of dielectric substrate is 1.6mm. Primarily the microstrip patch antenna has 3 layers namely i) metallic layer as a radiating element ii) dielectric substrate iii) metallic layer as a ground plane.

microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang

The main applications of X, K and Ku bands are radar, high performance aircrafts, spacecrafts and satellite based communications systems. The purposed single layer multi band antenna uses inset feed and operating at seven different frequencies in X, Ku and K bands. Firstly single layer rectangular patch antenna is designed for ISM band and then to obtain the multi frequency operation a U-slot and two L-slots are etched on the patch. The goal of this paper is to design a single layer multi band antenna which can work for X, Ku and K-band. new design technique of microstrip patch antenna with E- slot and a slot at the edge of radiator is presented for Wi-Max applications. Dual frequency operation in Ku band is achieved loading notches and slits in antenna patch. PIFA (planar inverted F structures antenna) structures can be used for multiband applications.

microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang

Multi frequency operation can also be achieved using spiral printed antennas, Bowtie patches loaded with slots, multiple patches, cutting rectangular patch with L-shaped slit, U-slot and inserting slits. Although U-slot patch antenna is used is concerned with broadband capabilities, however since the U- slot introduces another resonance a dual band antenna can be obtained, to obtain triple band a second slot is needed. Used as additional resonator to produce the lower and upper resonant modes. In an annular ring patch is loaded with a slot, where the loaded slot makes the design capable for dual band operation. Using U-slot loaded patch stacked with H-shaped parasitic elements. Many researchers have worked and presented the techniques for getting multiband operation using multistack patches. However conventional microstrip patch antennas have some limitations also such as narrow bandwidth, lower gain, large ohmic losses and polarisation purity which is difficult to achieve. Microstrip patch antenna having numerous advantages like small size, lower weight, lower cost, ease of installation and aerodynamic profiles which enables it to use in high performance air craft, satellite and missile applications. So the design of small antenna suitable for multiband operation is of great interest and microstrip patch antenna can be designed as multiband antenna using number of techniques. Many a times systems such as satellite, GPS(Global Positioning System ), Galileo ,Radar need to be operated at different frequencies apart too far from each other. KeywordsMultiband,Uslot,Lslot,Inset feed,X-band,Ku-Band, K-Band,PIFA

microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang

The antenna is designed and simulated using Agilents ADS (Advanced Design System) 2009. The designed antenna can be used for number of applications like in X-band it can be used for military communication and wideband global satellite communication systems (WGS), for Ku-band it can be used for terrestrial microwave and radar, specially police traffic speed-detector and for K-band it can be used in airport surface detection equipment (ASDE). The advantages of the resultant configurations are a) design is simple b) Inset feed is used for proper impedance matching c) the structure remains single layer and single patch. Taconic TLY-5 dielectric substrate is used as a substrate layer which has dielectric constant of 2.2 and height of dielectric substrate is 1.6mm. The designed antenna has width of the patch, Wp= 49.4mm and length of the patch, Lp = 41.4mm. The multiband antenna is achieved by cutting U and L slots in the rectangular patch. The designed antenna can be used for X, Ku and K band applications.

Microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang professional#

Madhusudhan Goud Lovely Professional UniversityĪbstractThis paper presents the design of microstrip patch antenna for multiband applications. Design of Modified Patch Antenna Using Inverted U-Slot and L-slot for X, Ku and K-Band Applications

Microstrip antenna theory and application s. zhang